
Monday, July 9, 2012

A Desperate Battle In New Mexico

DENVER CITY, March 8. – By military express the following news was received here to-day.

A desperate and terrible battle, lasting all day, took place at Valverde, ten miles south of Fort Craig on the 21st ult.  The loss was great on both sides.  Both parties claim the victory.

A regiment of Mexicans ran away from fright, but probably returned on the 22d.  The regiment that ran was commanded by Col. Panon.  He started first, and his entire command followed.

Capt. McRae, who had charge of the artillery and every one of his command were killed at their post.  The cannon was taken by the enemy.

Kit Carson was within fifteen miles of Fort Craig.  Firing was heard from his direction.  It is not known what was the result of his fight.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 15, 1862, p. 4

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