
Thursday, July 19, 2012

From Cairo

CAIRO, Jan. 31.

The military commission acting on the case of Dr. Scales, the horse thief and marauder, returned a verdict of guilty.  He will be sent to St. Louis, where he will be imprisoned during the war.

The 16th Illinois regiment, Col. Smith, will arrive here at 9 o’clock from St. Joe, Mo.  Three more regiments, the 25th Ind., 32d and 49th Ill., with four batteries of artillery from Springfield and three batteries from St. Louis, will arrive here in a few days.

The 28th Illinois recently mustered at Fort Holt has been ordered to Paducah.

Regiments arriving here will be sent to some other convenient point to be quartered.

Eleven thousand four hundred three inch mortar shells have been ordered here for the use of the mortars of the mortar boats.

The route of the Paducah packets has been extended to Smithland.

Recent intelligence from Columbus gives assurance that great dissatisfaction exists among the troops there, and thousands will desert upon the first opportunity.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport Iowa, Monday Morning, February 3, 1862, p. 1

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