
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Iowa Legislature

(Special to Burlington Hawk-Eye.)

DES MOINES, March 10, 1862.

In Joint convention to-day E. A. Layton was re-nominated Warden of the Penitentiary.  Thos. Agne, of Tama, W. B. Brookford, of Jefferson and J. W. Ellis, of Davis, were re-nominated Bank Commissioners; E. T. Edginton, of Lucas, Richard Bronson of Dubuque, and Readin Noble, of Clayton, were re-nominated Directors of the State Bank.

T. H. S.

DES MOINES, March 11.

HOUSE. – The House passed a resolution to adjourn sine die on Tuesday April 1st.  Also passed an important bill taxing salaries and incomes of five hundred dollars and upwards twenty percent.

Adjourned to take part of the funeral ceremonies of Weeks and Doty, soldiers of company C. 2d Infantry, killed at Fort Donelson.  The Governor and Staff, General Assembly, Military and Civil Authorities, were present and participated.

T. H. S.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 15, 1862, p. 4

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