
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Local Matters

TAX SALE MONDAY, FEB. 3RD. – City orders for sale by C. H. Kent & Co., Land Agents, over the post office.

RUNNING AGAIN. – The Wawautosa Mills, in East Davenport, have commenced running again, having been stopped, as mentioned at the time, by the breaking of a cylinder head of the engine.

IF the lady, who sends us a notice of the death of an officer in a New York Regiment, will do us the favor to call upon us and remove some doubts from our mind, we will reciprocate by complying with her request.

DENTISTRY. – Messrs. Newell & Charles have removed their dental rooms to those formerly occupied by Dr. Chesebrough, corner of Third and Brady streets, as will be seen by advertisement.

NATIONAL ARMORY. – Speaking of the “latter-day” effort made by the Keokuk paper in favor of that point as a site for the Armory, the Dubuque Herald says: “The place for the Armory, is Rock Island, and that place it should be located for every reason which can be suggested in favor of having an Armory located in the Northwest.”

WE are informed by the Marshal that the inmates of the Anthony House vacated the premises and left for Davenport last evening.  That is the resort for all such characters. – R. I. Argus.

Danforth is posted.  As our authorities now know where “such characters” come from, they should keep a good lookout for them.

CORNMEAL. – We are indebted to C. E. Converse, cor. Of Harrison and Fifth streets, for a couple bags of superior cornmeal made from corn dried in his new grain dryer.  The good wife had heard, in some way, of the improved meal and was anxious to try some when we surprised her with a liberal supply of it.  Visions of corn cakes appeared instantly, and the next morning the articles themselves.  We have always had a fondness for corn cakes and know a good article of them.  Our advice to others is, to try the cornmeal.

CHOICE OF GRAPE VINES. – Dr. J. Hall is getting up a club for the purpose of procuring hardy and choice grape vines at wholesale prices from Dr. C. W. Grant, of N. York. – Those who wish to treat themselves and families to this sure and most delicious of fruit, can be furnished with vines at cost and carriage by contributing to the club such sum as they may desire to appropriate for that object.  Orders and cash can be left at N. Jordan’s grocery, on Second street, any time before the 5th of March, where, at the same time, any one anxious for information respecting the best king of vine and method of cultivation, can see Dr. Grant’s illustrated catalogue.

PATENT LOCKS. – The time for paying box rent at the Postoffice having expired a day or two since, some expedient seemed necessary to further remind delinquent box holders of the state of the case.  They would take away their letters daily, and yet remains oblivious of their promise to pay.  Charlie invested in some hooks that could be easily fasted to the inside of the box doors and keep then closed, without being seen by the unsuspecting victims without.  With the arrival of the Eastern mail, the lobby of the office was crowded as usual by citizens after mail matter, they saw the letters slipped into their boxes and naturally sought to get them, when a mystery arose; they who had paid box rent had no trouble, but the others would pull at the door, examine the key, then try again, until ‘smelling a rat’ they would desist.  The real state of the case becoming known the wiser ones would go to the delivery window and ask for their letters and arrange their little indebtedness, while others vented their vexations in left-handed compliments on all concerned.  We think this new lock a decided improvement and worth patenting. – A silver key will readily open it, and inspire at the same time an agreeable sense of freedom from pecuniary obligation.


PRINCETON TOWNSHIP, Jan. 29th, 1862.

DEAR GAZETTE:  A petition has been set on foot in this section, begging the Legislature assembled, (in accordance with the recommendation of the Governor) to enact laws for the protection of sheep and wool-growing in this State, by the levying of a dog law or tax on all dogs, the proceeds of such tax to defray the just losses and sustained by the farmer, so far as any of his flock are destroyed by dogs; and also for the material increase of premiums offered for the capture of wolves.  Through the medium of your valuable paper if you would exert your influence to have farmers in different localities institute similar proceedings, I have no doubt it would result in incalculable benefit to all, within the limits of the true, energetic and loyal young State of Iowa, in rendering her truly a stock-raising country; as every one ere this must know it is our only alternative, from wheat raising to prosperity.

Yours Truly,
W. C. M.





SATURDAY, February 1

Court opened at 9 o’clock.  The counsel in the case of Ira F. Smith vs. L. Grabbe proceeded to the argument, and the case was submitted to the jury.  The jury returned a verdict in favor of plaintiff for $145.  Defendant moved for a new trial.  Bennett and Patton , for pltff.; Parker & Edwards for deft.

Thos. L. Dawson, Esq., was admitted to the Scott County Bar.

Thereupon the Court adjourned sine die.

The regular term of the District Court begins next Monday, Feb. 3d.  The first week will be devoted to civil actions.


“MONSIEUR TONSON COME AGAIN.” – The veritable ‘Charles Theodore,’ brother of Heintzelman, own cousin of Rosencranz, Sigel’s particular friend, Crimean hero, Price of Clarendon, &c., (by his own account); arrested in St. Louis, Davenport, Chicago and Dubuque as a traitor and spy, at different times, and also at the last place for matrimonial and financial swindling – has again turned up, and this time has ‘turned in’ to jail.  Last week he was arrested at Dubuque for stealing a trunk, but was acquitted for want of sufficient testimony, although he had acknowledged the theft.  He was afterwards arrested for stealing a watch, and this time the evidence was so strong he had to plead guilty.  He is to lie in jail thirty days for it, when the  ‘locals’ will again have his aid.  Charles Theodore is a little gentleman of German descent, quite young, and very innocent looking. – Some months ago he was arrested by the Adj. General here as a traitor spy.  The chap was in fancy uniform, and wore a medal which he said was given him for gallant serviced in the Crimean war!  His stories were very inconsistent, and evidently lies throughout.  He was advised to leave the city at once.  He again made his appearance in the city a short time since, having been recruited in a Dubuque company now at Camp McClellan.  Directly the Colonel heard of his presence he had his uniform stripped off, and ordered him out of camp, with severe penalties threatened in case of his return.  Charles Theodore took the hint, left the camp and the city, and returned to Dubuque.  Some suspect him of being insane, but there is entirely too much method in his madness.  He is sharp and stupid at the same time, and a gay little deceiver among both men and women.  He should be kept under lock and key, and should be where he might be compelled to do some hard work, such as cracking stone, for instance.

Since writing the above, we observe by the Journal, that Mr. Charles Theodore has turned up in Chicago!  How he ever escaped the clutches of the law in Dubuque is a mystery.  Last week he was arrested in the latter city, and put in jail for stealing a watch; as the Times remarked at the time he was strapped, broke, busted, played out, penniless, impecunious, and out of money.  This week he turns up in Chicago, a Major in full uniform, gold leaf, shoulder straps, sword and everything complete, with a lady hanging on his arm, for whom he was buying an outfit with the intention of marrying that evening, and strangest of all, with one hundred and forty-nine dollars and seventy-five cents, mostly in gold coin, in his pockets!  He must have made a speedy escape and a good haul from the time of being incarcerated at Dubuque.  The Major was immediately ‘cashiered’ by Superintendent Bradley, of the police, and ‘mustered out of the service.’


COLD WEATHER. – The last two or three days the denizens of this region have experienced severely cold winter weather.  On Thursday morning the mercury was about ten degrees below zero, Friday was milder, but Saturday the Mercury again sank a few degrees below the cipher.


Of the State of Iowa,
DES MOINES, January 11th, 1862.

There is now an opportunity to raise two companies for the 16th Iowa Volunteer Infantry.

Persons desiring recruiting commissions for that purpose will make immediate application to me at Des Moines, presenting such recommendations as they deem proper.

Adj. Gen’l of Iowa
Jan14 dw8w



Suddenly of Convulsions, MARY JANE, infant daughter of J. H. and A. M. PRESTON, aged two months.

The friends of the family are requested to attend the funeral at 3½ o’clock this (Sunday) afternoon from Trinity Church, corner of 5th and Rock Island streets.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport Iowa, Monday Morning, February 3, 1862, p. 1

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