
Monday, July 30, 2012

The new tax bill . . .

. . . if adopted as reported, will levy a heavy tax upon the newspapers or country.  They are taxed heavily upon the paper used, upon telegraphic dispatches, upon advertisements and upon aggregate receipts. – The tax upon this office will amount to a large sum, at least $1,000 per year – a sum so large that we shall probably be compelled to advance our prices and collect the amount from our patrons, in part at east.  But we shall send our paper, whatever may be the advance, the full term paid for at the present rates, to all subscribers.  All who desire to have the Daily for a year at $5, if they are wise will send in their money before this bill becomes a law.  We shall certainly be compelled to charge $6 as formerly if we are taxed thus heavily.  Besides five dollars is a very low price without the Federal tax.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 22, 1862, p. 1

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