
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Washington News

WASHINGTON, March 9. – It is understood that the Committee of Ways and Means will have a new tariff bill prepared by the time the tax bill shall have passed the house.  It involves changes providing for two or three millions additional revenue.

A large quantity of worthless army clothing will be returned to contractors, thus lessening the Government loss.

Judge Watts, delegate from New Mexico, has received a dispatch from Ft. Craig to the 14th and Santa Fe 16th.  He is confident that no great engagement had taken place, probably only of the skirmish and of the advance guards.  The recent dispatch from Denver to Julesburgh is considered unreliable, and must have been verbally communicated by Express riders over a distance of 700 miles.  Judge Watts has other information, which satisfies him that the account is exaggerated and partly untrue.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 15, 1862, p. 4

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