
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

William J. Iliff

Was born in Washington County, Pa., April 29, 1833. Enlisted as a private in Company I of the 11th Illinois Infantry, August 14, 1861, and along with his regiment was immediately sent to the front, and took a prominent part in the battles of forts Henry, Donelson, and the siege of Corinth; was three times wounded, one of the bullets which struck his left hip has never been extracted; was once captured and taken to Nashville, but recaptured after 10 days’ confinement; was mustered out and honorably discharged November 25, 1862, at Cairo, Ills., on surgeon's certificate of disability. Comrade Iliff is a member of Woodruff Post, No. 113, G. A. R., of Wasburn, Woodruff County, Ills., of which place he is a resident.

SOURCE: William H. Ward, Editor, Records of Members of the Grand Army of the Republic, 1886, p. 395

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