
Sunday, August 26, 2012

John G. Halloway

John G. Halloway, enlisted in Company D, Fifteenth Iowa Infantry, September 27, 1861, and served his country thirty-eight months. He was wounded in the right hip at Pittsburgh Landing, and later was taken with typhoid fever and confined in the hospital at Keokuk. He rejoined his regiment at Vicksburg after the surrender of that city, and was in the campaign against Johnston’s army. He suffered from sunstroke in July, 1864, and the following November received an honorable discharge, and is now residing on section 10, in Liberty Township. He was married September 8, 1863, to Lida Seeker, while on detached duty at Keokuk. Six children were born to this union, of whom five still survive – Mrs. Cetta Trumbo, Bertie L., Jessie E., Mary J. and Willie. A son, James, is deceased. For his services to his country John G. Halloway receives a pension. He was bereaved by the death of his wife, August 25, 1880.

SOURCE: Abstracted from the biographical sketch of his father, James P. Halloway, in Biographical and Historical Record of Clarke County, Iowa, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1886 p. 383

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