
Monday, August 13, 2012

Thomas W. Day

THOMAS W. DAY, farmer and stock-raiser, residing on section 27, Madison Township, Clarke County, was born in Clay County, Indiana, October 23, 1841, his father being a native of Wayne County, Kentucky. Our subject was reared to agricultural pursuits which he has made the principal vocation of his life, and in his youth received a common school education. In 1854 the father came with his family to Iowa, locating in Des Moines County, and in 1855 removed to Clarke County, when he settled with his family in what is now Jackson township. The surrounding country was then in a wild state, and was principally inhabited with Indians and wild animals.  During the late war our subject enlisted in Company B., Eighteenth Iowa Infantry, and served faithfully for three years. He participated in the battles of Springfield, Missouri, Saline River and Poison Springs, Arkansas, and Prairie De Hand, besides others of minor importance.  Mr. Day was united in marriage October 4, 1871, to Margaret Little, a daughter of Hugh Little, a resident of Madison Township, Clarke County. Six children have been born to this union, of whom two are deceased. Those living are – Bryan, Mary J., Roy and Rubie. Mr. Day came to his present farm in 1871, where he has since resided with the exception of three years spent in Rice County, Kansas. He has met with fair success in his farming pursuits, and now owns sixty acres where he resides, in Madison township, besides a farm of 160 acres in Rice County, Kansas. Mr. Day is an active and enterprising citizen, and is at present serving as township trustee and constable. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic.

SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Record of Clarke County, Iowa, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1886 p. 237-8

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