
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Who Is The Disloyal Officer?

One of the editors of the Transcript, while in Chicago last week, paid a visit to the rebel prisoners at Camp Douglas.  During his stay in camp he overheard a subordinate Union officer deliberately state to a group of prisoners that this war was the work of Northern fanatics, and that they must be “cleaned out” before peace could be restored.  The name of this scoundrel we do not know, but he is a worse enemy of the Republic than any rebel prisoner at Camp Douglas.  What stronger assurance of sympathy could be given than the declaration that Northern men drove the South into rebellion?  Better send to Jeff. Davis for half a dozen rebel missionaries, and turn them loose among the prisoners, with full license to say just what they please.  Their words could not do more harm to our side than the words of this traitor in Federal livery.  They would have less influence, for they would be looked upon as coming from men interested in promoting rebellion.  No wonder the people of Chicago are astonished at the growing boldness and impudence of the prisoners.  Why should not the rebels exult in their treason when they are openly justified in it by our own officers? – Peoria Transcript.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 22, 1862, p. 2

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