
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Specials to the New York Papers

(Tribune’s Dispatch.)

NEW YORK, March 15. – The President nominated yesterday for Brigadier General, John Craig, also Robert C. Buchanan to be Inspector General.

The War Department has authorized Gen. Halleck to [supersede] Major General Grant unless he should ask to be relieved, on account of bad conduct at Fort Donelson and elsewhere.

Secretary Fox, who is in Washington, reports the Merrimac badly injured in the two days fight.  She had a hole bored in her hull by the Monitor.  She was leaking very badly when she put back.  The Cumberland’s broadside in the first fight injured her so badly that she could not attack the Monitor or Roanoke, all though they were both aground.  He thinks that the Monitor, now that she is afloat, can handle the Merrimac.  She is slow and unwieldy.  He considers it utterly impossible for the Merrimac to go to sea, as she would immediately founder in an ordinary gale.

The Merrimac’s shot was bunked away by a ball from an 11-inch on the Minnesota.

Capt. [Buchanan] was wounded by a shot from a rifle-man on board the Cumberland, the ball going through his thigh.

Mr. Fox says the crew of the Minnesota as well as that of the Monitor, which to see the Merrimac come out again, but it is not likely that they will be gratified.

Commodore Stevens of the steam battery has obtained permission from the Secretary of War to make use of the 15 inch gun at Fortress Monroe, to be placed upon his steam propeller Nangantuck, to be used in the defence of New York harbor, and to attack the Merrimac, in the event of her appearance.

The Herald’s Washington dispatch says Gen. McClellan reviewed a division of the army in the vicinity of Manassas this p. m., and as he reviewed the lines he was greeted by the most vociferous cheers and enthusiasm.

A man this evening from a village on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, 37 miles from Goodysville came into the camp of the Ira Harris cavalry. – He states that there were forty thousand rebels troops in town when he left and that they continued to come in and hurried on under in impression that the Union army was in pursuit of them.  Gen. Johnson and other rebel officers were dining when he left.

He states that the road from Rappahannock to Manassas is strewed with muskets, knapsacks, haversacks, blankets, and provisions flung away in the retreat and that numbers of soldiers lay fainting and exhausted by the roadside.

The Times’ Washington dispatch says the steamer Achilles, while passing the rebel batteries at Acquia Creek last night, was fired at six times, indicating that there are some rebels yet lounging on the Potomac.  None of the shots took effect.

Gen. Hooker was of opinion at nine o’clock, to-day, that the rebels had not abandoned Fredericksburgh.

(Herald’s Special.)

WASHINGTON, March 17. – The relatives of Capt. Franklin Buchanan, who commanded the rebel iron clad steamer Merrimac at the late fight, have written to his relatives in this city from Baltimore, that he is dead, and his body is to be brought to the old homestead on the Eastern shore of Maryland for interment.

A movement is on foot relative to the impeachment of all those judges who have in any form, shape, or manner aided in the interests of secession.  A member of Congress has now in his desk a resolution, which he will offer at the first opportune moment to instruct the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire into this matter of general impeachment, and report at an early date by bill or otherwise.

(Tribune correspondence.)

Delegates from a great number of business interests are here, suggesting a modification of the tax bill in [its favor].  Changes have already been made in committee in making the tax specific instead of ad valorem.  To newspapers,  making the advertisement tax three instead of five per cent, and on net receipts instead of gross.  Tobacconists, reducing it on leaf and stem, and raising it on the manufactured.  The tax proposed on umbrellas and parasols a change from specific to five per cent. ad valorem.  Omnibuses, entire freedom from the tax on passengers.  It was shown that it would be fatal to them in competition with the horse railroads.  The tax has also been stricken off from the manufactures of flour.  This was done by a delegation of the Rochester millers, who showed that it would be fatal to their business.  All along the line afflicted by the reciprocity treaty, the tax would enable the Canadian millers to undersell us in our own markets.

Nomination of Daniel E. Sickles and Haller Gunn of New Hampshire were made.

Gen. Lockwood’s nomination is suspended.

The limits of the Department to which Gen. Hunter has been appointed, has again been incorrectly stated.  It [may] not be improper to say that it comprises the States of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.  Gen. Sherman will be retained in the Department under Gen. Hunter.  Also. Capt. W. [H. Peck] of the 11th Infantry, formerly of Chicago, Illinois.

To-day Senator Sumner will introduce a bill repealing an act originally passed in 1812, providing that [henceforth] no person by reason of color shall be disqualified from employment in carrying the mails.

Hon. Richard Fanchette, of the 18th N. Y. district, has obtained the signatures of about 150 Senators and Representatives to a memorial to Congress, asking that better rations be served out to the army.

(Special to Post.)

WASHINGTON, March 28 – the Naval committee formally voted in favor of the appropriation sufficient to complete the Stevens’ battery and fifteen million dollars for the construction of iron clad steamers.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 22, 1862, p. 4

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