
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Another Battle In Arkansas


Gen. Curtis’ Army in no Danger.

Rebel Prisoners on their way to St. Louis.

ROLLA, Mo., March 18. – A short time since learning of rebel movements in Texas county, Major General Halleck ordered five companies of troops and two light steel six pounders mounted on two wheels and drawn by two horses, under Col. Wood, to repair to that  vicinity.  Finding no enemy there Col. Wood marched on to Salem, Fulton county, Ark., where he encountered a greatly superior force of rebels and after a sharp fight routed them, killing about 100 and taking many prisoners, among the latter three Colonels.  Our loss was about fifty.

The prisoners taken by Gen. Curtis at Pea Ridge are now en route to St. Louis under proper guard.

The reports that Gen. Curtis is in a dangerous position are false.  Forage for cavalry is scarce but in other respects the situation of our troops is good.

The demoralized and crippled forces of Price and Van Dorn are moving South.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 22, 1862, p. 4

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