
Monday, September 24, 2012

Dr. Marion T. Martin

DR. MARION T. MARTIN, a physician of Woodburn, Clarke County, is a native of Hancock County, Illinois, born July 10,1840; a son of Dr. John and Philanda (Couch) Martin, the former a native of Tennessee and the latter born in Meigs County, Ohio. Both parents are yet living, residents of Jamesport, Davis County, Missouri, were the father is still engaged in the practice of medicine.  When five years of age our subject was taken by his parents to Sullivan County, Missouri, where he lived till 1864, receiving his primary education in the schools of that region. At the age of eighteen years he began the study of medicine in his father’s office where he remained some time.  August 17, 1861, he enlisted in Company A., Twenty-third Missouri Infantry, the first engagement in which his regiment participated being the battle of Shiloh, where they were taken prisoners. The Doctor was first taken to Montgomery, Alabama, remaining there six weeks, when he was placed under parole and taken to Chattanooga, Tennessee, and from there to Macon, Georgia, where he remained till October 9, 1862. He was then sent North by way of Richmond, and exchanged. While at Macon the Doctor and three others escaped from their prison and took to the woods, but were finally recaptured at the end of nine days, and for punishment they were staked to the ground two hours at a time. After his exchange the Doctor was taken to Washington, where he was in Emory Hospital ten days, then taken to Camp Parole, Alexandria, where he was discharged on account of disability, December 7, 1862, and arrived home December 21, 1862.  He again studied medicine with his father in Sullivan County, Missouri, and afterward assisted him in his practice, remaining in that locality till December 28, 1864. He then went to Last Chance, Lucas County, Iowa, before that place was organized, remaining there till January 19, 1875, when he came to Woodburn, Clarke County, and has since been engaged in the practice of his chosen profession, building up a large and lucrative practice.  Doctor Martin was married January 19, 1860, to Miss Hannah J. Stout, a native of Washington County, Indiana, and a daughter of Benjamin H. and Sallie (Ruberson) Stout. Eight children have been born to this union – Elmina R., Harriet E. Russia F., Cortez Prentiss, Stephen L., Lilly (deceased), Della E., Charlie B.  In 1873 while a resident of Last Chance, the Doctor was appointed postmaster of that village, and at the same time engaged in the mercantile business, which he followed for three years when he failed in business, owing to the panic, and lost the savings of his life. Since coming here he has taken an active interest in the advancement of this place, and was one of the commissioners through whose influence the town was incorporated. He has been a member of the city council since its incorporation and was president of the coal-mining company of Woodburn during the year 1883. He is also holding the office of mayor at the present time. He is a member of Unity Lodge, No. 212, A.F. & A.M., of Woodburn, of which he is senior warden, and is also surgeon of the Davenport Post, No. 385, G.A.R., of the same place. He and his wife and two of their children, a son and daughter, are members of the Christian church.

SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Record of Clarke County, Iowa, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1886 p. 247-8

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