
Monday, September 10, 2012

In Warren county, N. Y., is a man . . .

. . . upwards of 50 years old who never saw a canal boat, steam boat or rail car; never rode in a stage coach, never was but 16 miles from home, owns a large, well-stocked farm, never was sick but once in his life, never used tobacco, never owned but two books – a Bible and an almanac; never took a newspaper, never sent or received a letter through the post office, cast his first vote for Andrew Jackson in 1832, and has voted the Jackson ticket ever since.  Not more than one or two plates ever adorn his table.  He conforms to the customs that prevailed when he was born, never gets in debt, is an honest man, and minds his own business.  Where’s the man, that exhibits “wax figgers?”

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 22, 1862, p. 3

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