
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

John H. Martindale

JOHN H. MARTINDALE, editor and proprietor of the Murray News, is a son of Mason and Mary (Simonds) Martindale, natives of New York. They came to Clarke County in 1869, where the mother is yet living. John H. lived with his parents until twenty years old, receiving a common English education. He then learned the trade of carpenter and joiner, which he followed for a time and then engaged in farming.  In 1862 he enlisted in the One Hundred and Forty-second New York Volunteer Infantry, serving until the close of the war, and receiving his discharge in July 1865.  He came to Muscatine County, Iowa, and in 1866 rented a farm in Clarke County. When the village of Murray was started he found profitable employment once more as a carpenter.  From 1873 to 1876 he was engaged in merchandising. He was then occupied as postmaster and justice of the peace until 1880. In 1879 he was chosen representative from this county to the General Assembly, in which he served one term. In 1881 he entered upon journalism, to which he has since devoted his time.  Mr. Martindale was married June 26, 1866, at Nichollville, St. Lawrence County, New York, to Jane D. Clark. Their six children are named – Ella J., now Mrs. Dewey; Hersey M., now Mrs. Kadel; Edmund M., Mary D., Ralph M. and Gertrude L. Mr. Martindale is a Republican, a Good Templar and a member of the Grand Army of the Republic; and, with his wife, belongs to the Baptist church.

SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Record of Clarke County, Iowa, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1886 p. 360

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