
Saturday, September 15, 2012

John Kerr

JOHN KERR, son of Arthur and Hannah (Bellers) Kerr, is a native of Carroll County, Ohio, born May 11, 1836. In 1853 he accompanied his parents to Clarke County, Iowa. His father took up a claim in Knox Township, but soon exchanged it and entered 200 acres of land in Liberty township, and eighty acres in Warren County. The father died October 19, 1882, and the mother now makes her home with her son John. Their family consisted of nine children – James, John, Margaret, Mathias, Isabel, Isaac, William, Ellen and Marion.  In August, 1862, our subject enlisted in Company D, Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry, and served his country three years, participating in numerous skirmishes, but no important battle. He was for some time wagon-master of the Fourth Division, Fifteenth Army Corps, Captain Benjamin being Quartermaster.  After the war he returned home, and has since engaged in agricultural pursuits. He is the owner of 525 acres of finely improved land, all under cultivation, his residence being on section 27, Fremont Township. He is one of the representative citizens of the county, and a self-made man, accumulating his property by his own exertions. He hauled the first run of burrs that ever was brought to Clarke County, with a team of oxen, and assisted in building the first sawmill in the county, located in Osceola. Mr. Kerr has taken an active interest in the local affairs of his township, and has served fourteen consecutive years as trustee. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, Osceola Lodge, No. 32. In politics he is a Republican.  He was married October 17, 1858, to Miss Elizabeth Glenn, and to them were born eight children –Thomas A., Dora B., Cora D., Lon C., Marion P. Abe C., Annie H. and John H. Thomas married Miss Ida Rackley, and Dora is the wife of Lafayette Harlan. Mrs. Kerr died December 24, 1879.

SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Record of Clarke County, Iowa, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1886 p. 240-1

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