
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Moses T. Johnson

MOSES T. JOHNSON, dealer in hardware and agricultural implements for the Osceola Hardware Company, is a native of Indiana, born in Owens County, August 19, 1846, a son of F. W. and Electa J. Johnson, who were both natives of Indiana, the mother born near Greencastle. His paternal grandfather, David Johnson, was a native of Virginia, and his maternal grandfather, Frederick Barrows, was a native of Vermont, and was a soldier in the war of 1812. Our subject’s parents had a family of twelve children, six sons and six daughters, seven still living, three sons and four daughters.  Moses T., the subject of this sketch, was but eight years old when his parents moved from Indiana to Clarke County, Iowa. They settled some five miles northwest of Osceola on a farm, remaining there two years, when they removed to Osceola where Moses T. was reared to manhood, attending the schools of that town, and later entered the State University, at Iowa City, where he pursued his studies for one year, after which he spent two terms at Adrian College, Michigan. He then returned to Osceola, and entered his father’s dry-gods store, assisting his father till he was twenty-four years of age, when he was married to Miss Samantha J. Ream, of Osceola, a native of Pennsylvania. Soon after his marriage Mr. Johnson went to Montgomery County, Kansas, where he ran a store at Radical City, his father being associated with him in the business. He subsequently returned to Osceola, Iowa, and was variously engaged for a time, when embarked in the general grocery business which he followed about four years. He then disposed of his business and settled on a farm where he followed farming for two years, when he again located in Osceola. In 1884 he entered the hardware store of the Osceola Hardware Company in the capacity of clerk, which position he still holds to the entire satisfaction of his employers. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have one daughter named Pearl. Mr. Johnson was elected a member of the city council in March, 1886. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, an organization in which he takes an active interest. In 1875 he went on an extended tour through California, then to Oregon and from there to Washington Territory. Mr. Johnson is associated with his brother, Thomas A. Johnson, in raising and dealing in cattle in which they are meeting with fair success.

SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Record of Clarke County, Iowa, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1886 p. 265

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