
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Stephen C. Messenger

STEPHEN C. MESSENGER, a successful and enterprising farmer and stock-raiser, residing in Troy Township, on section 16, was born in Richland (now Morrow) County, Ohio, the date of his birth being April 11, 1833. His parents, James and Rachel (Corwin) Messenger, were natives of the State of Pennsylvania, the father born in Greene and the mother in Washington County. Since the father’s death the mother makes her home with our subject, being now seventy one years of age. Stephen C. Messenger passed his youth on the farm, being reared to agricultural pursuits, which he has made the principal avocation of his life. His education was obtained in the common schools of his native county.  He was united in marriage August 19,1854, to Miss Bethenia Truex, who was born in Southern Ohio, a daughter of John P. Truex, deceased. Eight children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Messenger, only three now living – William H., who married Mina Axtel, lives on section 7; Mary Ellen, wife of Walter H. Moffitt, of Union County, and John N.  Mr. Messenger came to Iowa in the fall of 1859, when he located in Union County, his home there being but three and a half miles from his present farm. During the late war he enlisted in Company B, Eighteenth Iowa Infantry, but only served five months, being sick most of his term of service.  In April, 1882, Mr. Messenger settled on his farm in Troy Township, where he has since followed farming and stock-raising with excellent success, being now the owner of 400 acres of valuable land. Both he and his wife are members of the Baptist church.

SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Record of Clarke County, Iowa, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1886 p. 344-5

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