
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

William T. Mathews

W. T. MATHEWS, one of the enterprising and successful pioneers of Clarke County, living in Green Bay Township, on section 24, was born in Murray County, Tennessee, July 18, 1827. His parents, Charneall and Sarah (Shinall) Mathews, were both natives of Virginia. Eight children were born to them, as follows – Mary Ann, W. T. (our subject), Elizabeth, Jackson, Elisha F., George, Charles and John Felix. The parents removed to Washington County, Illinois, when our subject was an infant, and there he was reared, his youth being passed in assisting on the farm and in attending the common schools.  In July, 1847, he enlisted in the Mexican war, in Company H, Second Illinois Infantry, and after serving one year was honorably discharged. He was married December 13,1849, to Catherine Logan, of Washington County, Illinois, and to this union were born seven children – Martha R., Hiram W., Harriet E., Lewis E., C. C., George M., And Frankie B.  Mr. Mathews came to Iowa in 1851, locating in Poweshiek County, Where he remained about four years. In 1855 he came with his family to Clarke County, buying 180 acres of land, on which he resided three years. He then exchanged his land for mill property on section 24, Green Bay Township, where he operated a mill for four years. Mr. Mathews enlisted in the late war August 13, 1862, in Company D, Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry; and participated in the engagements at Parker’s Cross-Roads, Snake Creek Gap,. Little Ogeechee River, Columbia, Bentonville, near Goldsborough, besides a number of skirmishes. During the war he was appointed First Lieutenant, and served as such till his discharge at Clinton, Iowa, June 5, 1865. He then returned to Clarke County and settled on his present farm, where his wife died October 8, 1869.  He was again united in marriage June 23, 1874, to Mrs. Catherine (Rainy) Meachum, and of the two children born to this union only one is living – a daughter, Minnie L.  Molly is deceased. Mr. Mathews has met with success in his general farming and stock-raising, and is now the owner of his fine farm which contains 230 acres of highly cultivated land, with good residence, well furnished and commodious, barn and out-buildings. Mr. Mathews was elected county supervisor in 1876, and served three years to the best interests of Clarke County. He has also filled the offices of clerk and trustee of Green Bay Township and has been a member of the School Board. He is a member of Jacinth Lodge No. 443, A.F. & A.M. of Weldon. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, being class-leader and trustee of the same. In politics he is a staunch Republican.

SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Record of Clarke County, Iowa, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1886 p. 326

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