
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Christopher C. Perdue

CHRISTOPHER C. PERDUE, farmer, section 22 Liberty Township, was born in West Virginia, October 11, 1841, the youngest of ten children. When he was six years old his father died, and at the age of eleven his mother died. He was then practically thrown upon his own resources. August 9, 1862, he enlisted in Company H, Eighty third Regiment. His brother Daniel was in the same company. He was engaged in the third battle of Fort Donelson in February, 1863. In that battle Daniel was shot through the body, and only through the careful nursing of his brother was his recovery made possible. He was honorably discharged July 5, 1865, and returned to Warren County, Illinois, and afterward came to this county. Isaiah, member of the Ninth Iowa, died in Arkansas. Thomas, in Thirty-second Iowa, now lives in Nebraska. Christopher worked on rented land until he purchased his present home in the spring of 1869.  August 29, 1866 he was married to Miss Nancy La Follette, daughter of William La Follette, who settled in Liberty Township in 1855. Both parents are deceased, the mother dying in February, 1868, and the father in February, 1881, aged sixty-one years. Mrs. Perdue was born in Boone County, Indiana, September 21, 1849. Mr. and Mrs. Perdue have nine children James W., Francis M., Ella May, Clarence E., Hattie V., Giles C., Susan A., Martha J. and Mary E., twins. Ella May died at the age of two years. Mr. Perdue commenced here on wild land. He first purchased eighty acres and now owns 185, 120 under cultivation. He has held every position of public trust in the township except justice of the peace. In politics he is identified with the Greenback party.

SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Record of Clarke County, Iowa, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1886 p. 306-7

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