
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Foreign News

NEW YORK, March 25. – The China arrived up this p. m.

The China’s news is two days later than that brought by the Hermann.

The China’s News is unimportant.

The proposed amendment of the Liberals in the French Legislature to a paragraph in the address relative to America had been withdrawn.

Liverpool, 14 – Flour declined 6d.  Wheat dull–1@2 lower.  Corn declined 6d.  Beef steady.  Pork steady.  Lard active and steady.  Sugar Dull.  Coffee firm.  Rice firm.

London – Breadstuffs declining.  Sugar quiet and steady.  Tea firm.  Coffee firm.

American securities active and advancing.

LATEST. – Liverpool 15. – Breadstuffs dull and unchanged.

Provisions quiet and steady.  Bacon firm.

London 15. – Consols 93 5/8@93¾ money.  I. C. Shares 43½@42½ discount.  Erie 32@33.

In  Parliament Lord Goodman, in reply to Gregory, stated that no information had been received by Government as to the proposed increase duties on imports into the United States, consequent upon such duties being paid in specie.

The Times says the occasion presented by the recent victories for concluding peace – that the Federals have it now in their power to retire from this unnatural strife, with something like honor.

The Daily News argues that by simply refusing any sort of participation in the slavery question the Federal Government will practically doom slavery.

The London Times speculates on the difficulties of settlement and points out public debt, tariff, taxation, slave law, &c., as rocks ahead and looks for the day which is to give two republics.

France is reported to have urgently called upon Spain at once to put an end to misunderstanding between Spanish and French Commanders at Vera Cruz.

It is asserted that the Greek insurrection is gaining ground.  The Government has called out thirty thousand men to complete the army.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 29, 1862, p. 3

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