
Saturday, October 20, 2012

George W. Vaught

GEORGE W. VAUGHT, an old pioneer who has been identified with the growth and advancement of Clarke County for over thirty years, is a native of Clark County, Indiana, born December 12, 1828. His parents, William and Elizabeth (Giltner) Vaught, were natives of Virginia and Pennsylvania, respectively, and to them were born fourteen children, of whom our subject was the second child. He passed his early life in working on the home farm, his education being limited to the log school-houses of those early days. For several years he was engaged in flat-boating on the Ohio river, freighting wood and hay to the Louisville market.  At the age of twenty-one years he came to the then Territory of Iowa, locating in Jefferson County, and a short time later removed to Appanoose County, where he resided until 1854. He then came to Clarke County, Iowa, and located on Government land in Green Bay Township.  August 11, 1862, he enlisted in Company D., Thirty-ninth Iowa Infantry, and at the battle of Parker’s Cross-Roads he was shot through the left arm at the elbow.  He was then confined in the hospital six months, and from the hospital was sent to Memphis, Tennessee, but being unfit for active duty in the field on account of his wound, he was placed on duty in the Provost Marshal’s guard, where he served till his discharge, August 11, 1865, just three years from the date of his enlistment.  He then returned to his home in Clarke County, remaining there till he removed to his present farm in 1879. His farm is located on section 30, Green Bay Township, and contains eighty-five acres of choice land under a high state of cultivation, with comfortable house and farm buildings for stock, a fine orchard, etc. He is still engaged in general farming and stock-raising, in which vocation he has met with success.  Mr. Vaught was married at the age of twenty-two years to Miss Melissa S. Sherlow, of Appanoose County, Iowa. They have seven children living – Sophrona, Leonidas, Savilla, Dora, Ellsworth, Libbie and Isabelle. In politics Mr. Vaught is a Republican. He is in religious faith a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. During his long residence here he has taken a deep interest in everything connected with the welfare of the township, and has become widely known and universally respected throughout the county.

SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Record of Clarke County, Iowa, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1886 p. 316-7

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