
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Henry D. Woodward

HENRY D. WOODWARD, of the firm of C. T. Haskins & Co., dealers in lumber and hardware, Murray, Clarke County, Iowa, was born in Allegany (now Wyoming County), New York, the date of his birth being May 26, 1844, a son of Horace Woodward who was a native of Vermont. Our subject was reared and educated in the schools of his native county and at the age of 22 years he learned the carpenter's trade. He came to Iowa in 1859, locating in Black Hawk County. He enlisted in the late war in Company A, Fourteenth Iowa Infantry, in which he served two years and eight months during which time he was mostly on detached duty. He re-enlisted as a veteran in Company K, Seventh Iowa Cavalry and took part in most of the engagements with the Indians. Mr. Woodward was married in December 1872 to Miss Barbara O. Shreves, a daughter of John Shreves, of Greenfield, Adair County, Iowa and to this union have been born three children – Loren S., Belle O., and John A. Mr. Woodward left Black Hawk County in 1871, removing to Adair County, where he remained till 1873. He then came to Murray, Clarke County, Iowa, where he has since resided with the exception of two years, which he spent in Adair County and during his residence here has been engaged in the lumber, hardware and furniture business. He has been elected to several local offices, and is at present, a member of the town council and of the school board. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic.

SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Record of Clarke County, Iowa, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1886 p. 268

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