
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Mr. Seward On The Peace Policy Of The United States

The policy of the United States is set forth in a few golden sentences, which Secretary Seward writes to Mr. Harper Twelitree, who lately presided at a London meeting of congratulation over the settlement of the dispute between the two countries:

“The policy of the American people Sir, is a policy of peace at home, peace abroad, peace with all nations – a policy of freedom for themselves, of freedom in their extending empire, and a policy hopeful of and conducive to the ultimate freedom of all classes and conditions of men.  Whoever shall wage war against the American people, will find themselves obliged, not only to commit the first wrong, but to become, when they enter the contest, the enemies, not only of order, peace and progress on this continent, but of human nature itself.”

The letter which contains these remarkable expressions – which find sympathetic response throughout all the loyal States at least – is published in the London papers.  One would suppose it should forever give the lie to the misrepresentations which certain British journals persistently make, of the views of the Cabinet and Mr. Seward in particular.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 29, 1862, p. 1

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