
Friday, October 19, 2012

Official Reports of the Battle of Shiloh: No. 19 – Lieut. Col. James C. Parrott, 7th Iowa Infantry

No. 19.

Report of Lieut. Col. James C. Parrott, Seventh Iowa Infantry.

Army in the Field, Pittsburg, Tenn., April 101862.

SIR: In compliance with your order, dated April 8, 1862, I have the honor herewith to make a report of the part taken by the Seventh Regiment Iowa Infantry in the battle of Pittsburg, Tenn., on April 6, 7, and 8.

On the morning of the 6th, at 8 o’clock, I received your order to hold the regiment in readiness for a forward movement, the rebels having attacked our outposts. The regiment was formed immediately, and at about 9 a.m. it was ordered to move forward, and it took position on the left of the Second Iowa Infantry. It then moved forward by the flank until within a short distance of the advancing rebels, where it was thrown into line of battle, being in heavy timber, when it advanced to the edge of a field, from which position we got a view of a portion of the rebel forces. I ordered my men to lie down and hold themselves in readiness to resist any attack, which they did, and remained in that position until ordered to fall back at about 5 p.m., holding the rebels in check and retaining every inch of ground it had gained in the morning, being all the time under a galling fire of canister, grape, and shell, which did considerable execution in our ranks, killing several of my men and wounding others. The regiment, when ordered, fell back in good order and passed through a most galling flank fire from the enemy. When it gained cover of the timber it rallied in good style and helped to hold the enemy in check for some time, when it was again ordered to fall back upon the main river road, and there it bivouacked for the night, exposed to a heavy rain of several hours’ duration.

On Monday morning, the 7th, I was so completely stiffened by fatigue and exposure that it was impossible for me to advance with the regiment, but I knew it was placed in good hands when I turned the command over to Major Rice, who led them on that day to the enemy's stronghold, and from him I was proud to learn it did its duty unflinchingly not only against the rebels, but in keeping many of our troops from falling back and leaving the field in disorder. At night the regiment returned to camp, and for the first time in two days had warm food and a good night's rest.

On Tuesday morning, the 8th, I again moved the regiment forward about 2 miles and remained in line all day, not getting in sight or hearing of the enemy. At night it returned to camp in good order.

In conclusion, I am proud to say that the officers and men of the Seventh Iowa Volunteers, with a few exceptions, did their duty nobly, and sustained the proud position won for it on former occasions, of which our State may feel proud. The delinquents, although few, will be strictly dealt with according to the Articles of War.

Our casualties are as follows: One lieutenant and 10 privates killed; 17 privates wounded and 6 privates missing; making an aggregate of 34 killed, wounded, and missing.*

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

 Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding Seventh Iowa Infantry.

Col. J. M. TUTTLE,
Commanding First Brigade, Second Division.

* But see revised statement, p. 101

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume X (Serial No. 10), Part I, pages 150-1

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