
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Specials to the New York Papers

(Special to Tribune.)

WASHINGTON, March 25. – The senate Committee on Foreign Relations reported a bill to-day requiring the allegiance of Americans in Europe who may select passports from our Consuls and Ministers.

The debate on Slavery both in the Senate and House was very bitter to-day. Republicans generally voted against taxing slaves.

Mr. Blenker was to-day restored to his position.  This is a victory over Schurz, who desired his place.

The Tax bill was only amended to-day by placing license on dentists of ten dollars per year.

The circulation of the National Republican and Tribune has been forbidden among the regular troops of the army of the Potomac on the ground that articles against McClellan are calculated to incite an insurrectionary spirit.

The commanding officers of various companies have issued official orders to-day that no boats will be allowed to visit Mount Vernon.

The Committee on Naval Affairs determined to-day to report a bill for the construction of iron-clad steamers.

The City Council made an earnest remonstrance against the abolition of Slavery in the District of Columbia.

The victory at Winchester turns out to be one of the most brilliant of the war.

(Times’ Despatch.)

WASHINGTON, March 25. – It appears that Secretary Stanton, late on Monday night, concluded to forego his purpose to order the arrest of the editors of certain New York and Boston papers.

Advices received from Fortress Monroe are quite conclusive that the Merrimac is out of the dry dock and prepared to run out when she chooses.  The Monitor is on hand.

(World’s dispatch.)

The main body of the rebel army cannot be very far distant as it is known that scouting parties have been discovered within the past 24 hours but a short distance from Manassas Junction.

Appearances indicate that the enemy are strongly fortified behind the line of the Rappahannock.

(Herald’s dispatch.)

Gen. Sumner has issued an important order, prohibiting acts of marauding.  He assures the people of Virginia that their only safety is the General Government, and that it will be his constant endeavor to protect them in their lives and property to the extent of his power.

The General has also determined to accept no resignations in his corps during the campaign.

(Tribune Special.)

WASHINGTON, March 26. – Gen. Halleck’s commissioners appointed to visit the Ft. Donelson prisoners at Chicago had reported the names of one thousand rebels as adverse to taking the oath of allegiance, but Schuyler Colfax protested against their release on these or any other terms, and the President revoked the commission and prohibited the discharge of any more rebels.

(World Specials.)

A gentleman named Pollock reach here to-day having come from Culpepper, Va., near where the rebel army now lies.  He is known in Washington as a reliable and intelligent gentleman.  Mr. Pollock states that in the vicinity from which he came there is a loyal insurrection among the white people who are bitter in their opposition to the rule of Jeff Davis.  The people he says feel that the rebel cause is hopelessly lost since the retreat from their stronghold at Manassas.  The rebel defeat at Winchester has also depressed them.  Though every effort was made to conceal the news from the public and that portion of the army which were not engaged in the fight, he doubts whether the rebels will have pluck to make a stand if they are attacked at Gordonsville.

(Post Specials.)

A few days since the pickets along the lower Potomac and the Chesapeake Bay were driven by Gen. Hooker.  The rebel sympathizers in tory Maryland took this as an indication that the U. S. forces were about to leave and immediately commenced to send their slaves to Virginia for the rebel service.  This perfidy did not escape the vigilance of the General who immediately ordered the arrest of some six our eight of the ringleaders, who were among the most prominent citizens of that section of Maryland.  They will be handed over to the authorities at Washington with the evidence against them, which is said to be of the most conclusive character.

The following nominations by the President were referred to the Military Committee: Ward B. Burnett, of N. Y., Carl Schurz of Wis., M. S. Haskell of Ind. John W. Geary of Pa., Horace Warden of Ill., J. T. Bradford of Ky., James D. Hutchins of Ky., Alonzo J. Phelps of Ohio, and S. M. Hamilton of Ill.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 29, 1862, p. 3

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