
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Thomas G. Vinson

THOMAS G. VINSON, who has been identified with Clarke County for many years, is a native of Wapello County, Iowa, where he was born March 7, 1845. His parents, Isaac and Charity (Glenn) Vinson, were natives of Tennessee and Indiana respectively, and were among the first settlers of Wapello County, Iowa. They had a family of eleven children – Joseph, Thomas T., Martha J, William, Elizabeth, Jesse, David, Mary, Sarah Ann, Susannah and Belle.  Our subject was quite young when his parents moved to Jefferson County, and some time later they removed to Marion County, where they resided till Thomas G. was about twelve years old. In 1857 they located in Clarke County, Iowa, near Lacelle, in Knox township, where our subject was reared to manhood, receiving a limited education in the common schools.  In February, 1864, he enlisted in the late war in Company F., Sixth Iowa Infantry, and was with General Sherman in his famous march to the sea. He was shot through the hand by a minie ball, at Atlanta, and was in a hospital for some time. On the way to join his regiment he was taken sick, and was sent to Fairfax Hospital, where he lay at the point of death for many days. On his recovery he was honorably discharged at Davenport, Iowa, and returned to his home in Clarke County.  He has been a resident of his present farm since 1882. It is located on section 33, Knox Township, and contains 290 acres of well-improved land, which he has made by his own untiring efforts, he having commenced life without means. He devotes considerable attention to dealing in stock, raising, feeding, selling and buying, and is meeting with good success.  Mr. Vinson was married July 14, 1868, to Julia Ann Chaney, daughter of Francis Chaney. Mrs. Vinson died February 28, 1872. To them were born two children – Alpha Omega and Walter L.; Alpha died before her mother, and Walter two months after. Mr. Vinson was again married September 10, 1873, to Margaret Emily Barr, a daughter of Samuel and Mary Barr, and to this union have been born four children – Julia Ann, George H. William H. and Samuel Isaac. Mr. Vinson is a comrade of Lacelle Post, G.A.R. In politics he affiliates with the Republican party.

SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Record of Clarke County, Iowa, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1886 p. 356

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