
Thursday, October 18, 2012

William H. Stevens

W. H. STEVENS, an enterprising and successful farmer and stock-raiser of Green Bay Township, residing on section 36, is a native of Maine, born near Bangor, his parents, William and Cynthia (Oaks) Stevens, being natives of the same State. They had a family of ten children – Eunice, William, Lucy, Frances, Cynthia, Nancy, Lorenzo, Augustus, John F. and William H., our subject, who was the youngest child. When about four years of age he was taken by his parents to Philadelphia, they residing there three years, and in 1840 the family removed to Meigs County, Ohio, where our subject was reared to manhood. His early life was passed on a farm, and his education was received at the public schools.  He was united in marriage September 28, 1858, to Miss Martha Hogue, who was born and reared in Meigs County, Ohio, a daughter of James and Christina (Patterson) Hogue. Her parents were natives of Scotland, being born near Edinburgh. They reared a family of seven children – William, Alexander, Margaret, James, Jane, John and Martha. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens have three sons – Harvey E., Delmont D. and James F.  During the late war Mr. Stevens enlisted in Company D, Fifteenth Ohio National Guards, the date of his enlistment being June 16, 1863. He participated in the raid against Morgan in Ohio, and had a skirmish with that bold rebel leader. January 15, 1864, he re-enlisted in the three years’ service, in Company A, Second West Virginia Cavalry, and was at the battles of Cedar Creek and Winchester. After being in the service about eighteen months he was honorably discharged at Wheeling, West Virginia, July 4, 1865.  He then returned to Meigs County, Ohio, where he followed farming and carpentering till 1869. He then came to Green Bay township, Clarke County, Iowa, and located on his present farm, which at that time was entirely unimproved, where he is still engaged in general farming and stock-raising. His farm now contains 265 acres of as good land as can be found in the township, well improved and under high cultivation. He has a good residence, surrounded by shade and ornamental trees, and commodious farm buildings for his stock. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens are consistent members of the Free-Will Baptist church. In politics he is a Republican. He is a member of Jacinth Lodge, No.443, A.F. & A.M. and is one of the representative men of Clarke County.

SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Record of Clarke County, Iowa, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1886 p. 309

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