
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Cairo Budget

CHICAGO, March 25, FROM CAIRO 24. – The Steamer Pollard just arrived from Island No. 10 with intelligence from the flotilla up to 8 o’clock Sunday evening.  The same old story – matters remain in statu quo.

Saturday night the gun-boat Mound City exchanged shots with the main land battery with considerable effect.  An officer of the Mound City tells me that with a glass he counted five men killed at a single shot.  On Sunday morning fired with great certainty but the results were not ascertained owning to the unfavorable condition of the weather.

The expected balloon reconnoisance did not take place.

The Pollard narrowly escaped destruction under charge of a drunken pilot.  She was allowed to float half a mile below where the Mound City was stationed, and was made the recipient of rebel favors in the shape of shot and shell from main land batteries with flew all around her, fortunately without effect.

Col. Buford arrested the captain and mate of the steamer Hall, of Memphis, for treason.  They were ordered to land troops at Hickman, Ky., in the night, but passed by and landed them in day time, they giving the enemy notice of their arrival.

Steamers are searched at Paducah on their way to Tennessee river, and correspondents and others without passes are turned back.

The steamer Thomas just from Savannah landing, in Tennessee river, says large Union forces continue at that point.  8,000 men under Gen. Wallace, on Tuesday visited a camp eight miles from the landing where a large body of the secessionists were reported to be concentrated, arming.  They found the birds had flown.

The rebels were impressing every able bodied man into service, and citizens were fleeing to the forest to avoid impressments.  A strong Union sentiment prevails in that region.

A regiment composed of loyal Tennessee men exclusively, was offered to Gen. Grant.

A resident of Paducah has just returned from New Orleans, which place he left a week ago last Tuesday.  His loyalty being undoubted he was passed to Jackson by the rebel authorities, when he escaped to the Federal lines and reached his home in safety.  He reports that the rebels are constructing at New Orleans thirteen large iron clad gun-boats, one of which is intended for sea service and the rest for river.  The largest is built by Murray and armed with 30 guns.  The projector is confident that with it alone he will be able to drive the Lincoln fleet from the Mississippi.  They are finished by this time and are probably now on their way to Island No. 10.  They are encased with railroad iron and considered invulnerable.

Armed troops are concentrating at Corinth, Miss., where a stand is to be made.

Our re-inforcements are being sent to Decatur.

At Memphis my informant states rebel stores are being removed to a place of safety in event of an attack by Union forces.

But little was known of movements at Island No. 10 outside of military circles.

The superintendent of the Mobil and Ohio Railroad had placed thirteen locomotives and two hundred cars at the disposition of General Polk for the transportation of troops to Corinth.

Beauregard was at Jackson, Tennessee, on Tuesday week.

Gen. Polk’s headquarters were at Lagrange.  Our boys were in high spirits at the report of an advance.

The bridge across Turkey creek on the Ohio and Mobile Railroad, was burned by the Union forces.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 29, 1862, p. 4

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