
Monday, November 5, 2012

Death Of Miss Sadie Curtis

We were deeply pained to learn, last evening, of the death of Miss Sadie Curtis, eldest daughter of Major-General Curtis.  She had been ill for some time, in St. Louis, of Typhoid fever.  The melancholy tidings of her death were telegraphed to Hosmer Curtis, Esq., of this city, last evening.  The dispatch says: “She died this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock.  Her death was calm and peaceful.  We will leave here for Keokuk with her remains Thursday afternoon.”

Miss Curtis was universally beloved by her acquaintances.  She took a deep interest in the welfare of the soldiers, and while remaining here was the efficient Secretary of the Ladies’ Soldiers’ Aid Society.  Her death is deeply regretted by all who knew her, and must be a terrible blow to her father and family.  In this their great affliction they have the sincere and unaffected sympathy of all their friends. – {Gate City.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 29, 1862, p. 3

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