
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

John T. Gregory, Private, Co. F, 41st Tennessee Infantry, CSA: Compiled Service Record

Appears on Company Muster Roll for Nov. 1, 1862 to Feb. 10, 1863.  Enlisted When: Nov. 6, 1862.  Where: Shelbyville.  By whom: Lt. Frierson.  Period: 3 yr.  Present.

Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Feb. 28 to June 30, 1863.  Enlisted When: Nov. 15, 1862.  Where: Shelbyville.  Period: 3 yr.  Present.

Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above for June 30 to Aug. 8, 1863.  Enlisted When: Nov. 13, 1862.  Where: Shelbyville, Tenn.  By whom: Lt. Frierson.  Period: 3 yr.  Last paid by whom: Capt. Hughes.  To what time: March 13, 1863.  Present.

Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Aug. 8 to Oct. 3, 1863.  Enlisted When: Nov. 20, 1862.  Where: Shelbyville, Tenn.  By whom: Lt. Frierson.  Period: 3 years.  Last paid by whom: Capt. Hughes.  To what time: July 1, 1863.  Present.

Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Nov. & Dec., 1863.  Dated Dec, 31, 1863.  Enlisted when: Nov. 4, 1862.  Where: Shelbyville.  By whom: Lt. Frierson.  Period 3 yr.  Last paid by whom: Capt. Hughes.  To what time: Aug. 31, 186[3].  Remarks: Deserted Feb. 1864.

Appears on Company Muster Roll of the Organization named above, for Jan. & Feb., 1864.  Enlisted when: Nov. 20, 1862.  Where: Shelbyville.  By whom: Lt. Prierson.  Period 3 yr.  Last Paid by whom: Capt. Hughes.  To what time: Aug. 31, 1863.  Remarks: Deserted.  Accoutrements destroyed to the amount of $67.29.  Dropped on last Muster roll, but the charges were omitted.

Name appears as signature to an Oath of Allegiance to the United States, subscribed and sworn to on the day and year set opposite the several names.  Place of residence: Bedford Co., Tenn.  Complexion: Dark.  Hair: Black.  Eyes: Hazel; Height: 5 ft. 7 in.  Feb. 25, 1864.  Signs by mark.  Indorsement shows: “Roll of deserters from rebel army released on taking Oath of Amnesty at Chattanooga, Tenn.”  Number of roll: 6; sheet 1.

SOURCE: Compiled Service Records of John T. Gregory, Private, Co. F, 41st Tennessee Infantry, from the National Archives and Records Administration downloaded from

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