
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Notice from the P. M. General

WASHINGTON, March 24. – The Senate to-day confirmed about four hundred army appointments, principally of minor grades.  Among them in the Adjutant General’s Office department were R. G. Wagner of Kentucky as Adjutant.

The only two Brigadier Generals of Volunteers confirmed, are F. M. R. Strong and Col. Mahon and D. Wilson of Indiana.

Post Master General Blair issued the following notice:

To the Post Masters of the United States:

The Secretary of War now regulates the transmission of information by telegraph affecting the conduct of the war, in order to prevent the communication of such information to the rebels; it is also thought necessary by the Secretary to put a restriction on the publication of facts of this character however obtained and the aid of this Department is requested for this purpose.  You will therefore, notify publishers not to publish any fact which has been excluded from the telegraph, and that a disregard of this order will subject the paper to be excluded from the mails.

Postmaster General.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 29, 1862, p. 4

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