
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Special to New York Papers

(Herald’s Special.)

The House considered the amendments to the Tax bill.  Among others agreed to are the following:

Tennessee to have till the 1st of December to assume payment of her portion of the tax.

Breweries manufacturing less than five hundred bbls. per annum, to pay twenty-five dollars.

Licensed brokers to pay fifty dollars, the same commercial brokers, and land warrant brokers twenty-five dollars.

The Committee rose and the House adjourned.

(Tribune Correspondence.)

WASHINGTON, March 24. – The President today nominated the flowing the following Brigadier Generals:

Col. G. M. Dodge, of Iowa, who commanded a brigade under Col. Carr at Pea Ridge; Col. R. S. Canby of the 19th U. S. Infantry., now commanding the Department of New Mexico; S. Wessul, of the 6th U. S. Infantry.

W. H. Havens, of Ohio, has been appointed Consol at Manahan, Brazil.

Secretary Welles has addressed the following letter to Lieut. Worden, of the Monitor:


SIR: The naval action which took place on the 10th inst., between the Monitor and the Merrimac at Hampton Roads, when your vessel with two guns engaged a powerful armed steamer of at least eight guns, and after a four hours’ conflict, repelled her formidable antagonist, has excited general admiration and received the applause of the whole country.  The President directs me, while earnestly and deeply sympathizing with the in the injuries which you have sustained, but which it is believed are but temporary, to thank you and your command for the heroism you have displayed and the great service you have rendered.  The action of the 10th, and the performance, power and capabilities of the Monitor must effect a radical change in naval warfare.

Flag Officer Goldsborough, in your absence, will be furnished by the Department with a copy of this letter of thanks and instructed to cause it to be read to the officers and crew of the Monitor.

I am respectfully your obedient servant.


(Herald’s Dispatch.)

A rumor is current here this evening that Gen. Shields will be obliged to have his left arm amputated on account of the wound received at the battle near Winchester.  It is well authenticated but is not credited.

(Times’ Dispatch.)

The Journal, of Boston, and the Sunday Mercury and the Journal of Commerce, are suspended by order of the Secretary of War, and their editors and proprietors arrested and ordered to Washington to be tried by court martial for violating the fifty seventh article of war.

The statement that Gen. Blenker had been suspended from his command is pronounced untrue.  Neither is it true that the Senate Military Committee have reported against his confirmation.  He is opposed by some of his countrymen, but the Senate committee decided to give him a fair hearing.

Fewer bids were put in for constructing gunboats to-day than was anticipated by the Department.  The awards will not be made for several days.  The plan of each boat is highly approved by scientific men.  They are invulnerable and draw only four feet of water.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 29, 1862, p. 4

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