
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Battle At Winchester!

Combined Armies of Jackson, Smith and Longstreet Totally Routed!


WASHINGTON, March 23. – Propositions for building gunboats for western waters thus far received by the War Department are all found to draw too much water.

Telegraph dispatches received here from Winchester, dated last night nine and a half, says a slight skirmish occurred this P. M. a mile and a half from Winchester, on the Strasburg road between a portion of Gen. Shields’ troops and Rebel cavalry, and four pieces of artillery. – The enemy retreated with some loss as soon as our guns opened fire.

One of our men was killed.  Gen. Shields is slightly injured in the left arm, also in the elbow from a fragment of shell.


WINCHESTER, March 23, P. M. – We have achieved a complete victory over Jackson.  Taken two guns and caissons, killed about one hundred rebels and wounded twice as many more.  Our loss probably is not over one hundred and fifty killed and wounded.

The enemy is in full retreat.


We have achieved a glorious victory over the combined forces of Jackson, Smith and Longstreet.  The battle was fought within four miles of Winchester and lasted from 10½ this A. M. until dark.

The enemy numbered about fifteen thousand.  Our force was not over eight thousand.

The enemy’s loss is double that of ours.  We captured large numbers of prisoners.  The ground is strewn with their muskets thrown away in flight.  Our cavalry is still in pursuit of the flying rebels.  Particulars cannot be ascertained till to-morrow morning.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 29, 1862, p. 4

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