
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Decision Of A $250,000 Land Suit

The Supreme Court of the United States at Washington, recently made a final decision in the case of Joseph Darst, James P. Harkness and Maria Harkness against Isaac Underhill relative to the title to about forty acres of land lying on North Madison and Monroe streets in Underhill’s addition to Peoria.  The value of the land is some $250,000, and the matter has been in litigation for some eight or ten years.  The case was decided a year or two ago in the United States District Court at Chicago, in favor of Mr. Underhill, and taken up to the Supreme Court by the other parties. – The latter court now affirms the decree of the lower Court, placing Mr. Underhill in full and quiet possession of the property. –{Peoria Transcript.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 5, 1862, p. 2

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