
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Felon Chivalry

Something over a year ago one Sobieski Burnett, who has had an occasional or transient domicile in St. Louis, was arrested in Northern Ohio, charged with burglary.  Before trial, by the aid of confederates he broke jail and escaped.  He was taken prisoner at Donelson, having a captaincy in the rebel army.  Being identified, he was taken back, arraigned, plead guilty and was a week or two ago sentenced to the Penitentiary for a term of years.  His is not the first instance of felons and escaped convicts being found decked with the insignia of military rank in the Chivalrous army.  There were several such in Western Virginia, in the summer – “high-toned, southern gentlemen, fighting for homes and hearth stones and all their cherished ‘institutions.’” – {Mo. Dem. March 29.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 5, 1862, p. 2

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