
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

General Orders, No. 10

ST. LOUIS, March 28 , 1862

I.  It having been reported that shippers and carriers of goods have recently violated the regulations for the transportation and trade of the Department of the Missouri, established in January last, claiming that said regulations had been revoked, notice is hereby given that General Order, No. 61 of the Department of the Missouri, current series, revoking General Orders of March 3d and 6th of same series, does not, in any manner, affect the regulations of January last, which regulations for the transportation and trade will be enforced in all parts of the present Department of the Mississippi, except reconquered territory, the trade of which is regulated by the license system promulgated by the Secretary of the Treasury in his circular of March 4th.

II.  The orders of officers in the Customs within this Department when in conformity with the regulations of January last, and the instructions of the Secretary of the Treasury, must be complied with by shippers and carries; and it is directed that all military officers assist in their enforcement.

III.  In view of the rapid extension of steamboat navigation into disloyal States, the importance of having the boats engaged in such navigation controlled by loyal citizens, it is ordered that all licenses to pilots and engineers, navigating the waters of this Military Department, be revoked, from and after the 15th proximo, and that said pilots and engineers take out new licenses from the “Supervising Inspector,” who will only grant license to persons of approved loyalty; or, in case of doubt, will require bond with security for the loyal conduct of such engineers and pilots.

By Command of Major General Halleck.

Assistant Adjutant General.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 5, 1862, p. 1

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