
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Horace Maynard Makes A Prophecy And Keeps A Promise

Mr. Maynard spoke but a few minutes and made a reference to a prophecy made by him in the dark days when he and Johnson worked together at Washington for the redemption of the State.  He said that once he attempted to cheer the Governor in an hour of despondency, by promising to be with him in the spring at Nashville – to walk with him to the capitol – to sit by his side, and listen to him tell the people of Tennessee there assembled, that right and justice should be maintained and traitors punished. – He said he had sat there – had listened to that speech, and had applauded it as a well considered effort.  The promise had been kept, the prophecy fulfilled, and he, (Mr. Maynard) returned to duties at Washington, from which had had been called away. – {Nashville Cor. Cincinnati Gazette.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 5, 1862, p. 3

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