
Friday, December 28, 2012

The correspondence of the New York Herald . . .

. . . from Winchester, Va., contains the following:

There were many deeds of heroism performed on the battle field.  While the Fifth Ohio was charging against the enemy, the color bearer was five times shot down; yet another instantly replaced him at the risk of his life.  The last color bearer was a private Named T. B. Isdell.  The flag staff was broken, yet the glorious banner never ceased to float in triumph over the gallant regiment.

It is highly appropriate that Vallandigham, the man who joined Breckinridge in attempting to rouse the secessionists of Baltimore, who was booted out of the camps of regiments from his own state as a traitor, who has rebel camps named after him, who is eulogized by rebel journals as the most steadfast of their Northern friends, should be selected to report resolutions calling for a resuscitation of the Democratic party, under present circumstances.

The Southern Methodist Book Concern, at Nashville, Tenn., has been closed, and the editors removed from the city.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 5, 1862, p. 3

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