
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Lyons Of Connecticut

Some interesting facts have recently come out concerning the number of persons related to the lamented Gen. Lyon, and bearing his name, who are now in the army.  There are thirty persons bearing his name, and related to him, now in the service, descendants of Ephraim Lyon of Connecticut, a lawyer by profession, and a Lieutenant in the Revolutionary war.  These are all in the Connecticut regiments, and many of them from the same county.

A young nephew of Gen. Lyon, a boy fifteen years old, named Arthur, enlisted in the 9th Connecticut regiment immediately after the General’s remains were taken home and buried in his town.  Arthur was at school, which he left the next day after the burial, to join the regiment, saying he had no idea of leaving his school to fight until he saw his uncle Nathaniel lowered into the grave.  From that moment he was seized with a desire and purpose to enter the army and avenge his death.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 5, 1862, p. 2

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