
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

We have two or three very disloyal Episcopal clergymen . . .

. . . in Washington and Georgetown.  They refuse to offer up the prayers which their bishop has prepared for them, thanking God for the late victories over the rebels!  Two clergymen in Washington refused last Sunday to read the prayer.  One in Georgetown read it with a protest, several women of the congregation bouncing out of the church in sublime anger!  It is very singular what a hold this rebellion has upon a class of women in this city. – They descend to the most abominable dirtiness of spirit in their conduct.  There is nothing noble, nothing heroic, in their conduct, and but one thing will cure them.  Let. Gov. Wadsworth order them to pack up their baggage and be off to Dixie, and if any real estate is left let the Government seize it – and this would make short work with fashionable treason here.  These petticoated fiends (for many of them are downright fiends) have had their own way long enough, and it is about time to compel them to go to the people they say they love so well.  On the street upon which I live there are at least twenty female secessionists, full blown, rabid, and some of them unquestionably engaged in the spy business.  Yet the government threatens the loyal newspapers, and is exceedingly tender of these female spies. – Wash. Letter.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 5, 1862, p. 2

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