
Friday, January 11, 2013

A Severe Skirmish -- Rebel powder secured

ST. LOUIS, March 29. – From the mail agent of the Pacific Railroad intelligence has been received of a spirited skirmish which took place on Wednesday last at the town of Womelsburg, between Quantrell’s guerrilla followers and a detachment of Col. Phillip’s Missouri Regiment, under the command of Major Fenton.  On the day named Quantrell unexpectedly appeared in the town with 200 men, and made a furious attack on the Union troops, who were only sixty in number.  The latter made a gallant defence, and having the protection of a thick plank fence around their position, they succeeded, after an obstinate conflict, in repulsing the guerrillas and driving them beyond the limits of the town.

Quintrell returned to Wartensburg on the day following, and began a new attack about 11 o’colck, the result of which is not yet known.

As my informant came through Georgetown, Lieut. Col. Crittenden, of Phillip’s regiment was preparing to go south with a detachment of the regiment, to furnish assistance.  Colonel Crittenden stated that scouting parties from the regiment has succeeded in discovering and capturing about 200 kegs of powder belonging to the rebels in Pettis county.

The following was received at headquarters this evening:

To. Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War, Washington:

“Official information has been received that Lieut. A. H. Crittenden, Missouri Militia, on the 19th inst., found buried on the farm of Mrs. B. B. Marten, near Warrensburg, 125 kegs of powder, and that on the 22d, Lieut. J. M. Jewett, with twenty men, had a skirmish with the rebels near the same place.”

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 5, 1862, p. 4

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