
Thursday, January 17, 2013

From Cairo

CAIRO, April 1. – The rebel camp at Union City has fallen into our hands.

Col. Buford with 1800 men, composed of the 27th Illinois, a detachment of the 2nd Illinois cavalry, and part of the 15th Wisconsin proceeded to Hickman by transports and thence to Union City, where they fell upon the rebel camp yesterday, and completely routed the enemy.  They destroyed all his tents, camp equipage, stores, &c., and brought off one hundred prisoners and one hundred and fifty horses.  The rebels are supposed to have numbered two thousand, and were under command of the notorious H. Clay King.  Their loss is stated at 20 killed.  Our transports on their return to Island No. 10, had rebel flags flying under the Union flags.

There was very heavy firing yesterday, at Island No. 10.  It is supposed our gunboats are at work in earnest.

The weather is clear and war.  River Falling.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 5, 1862, p. 4

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