
Sunday, January 13, 2013

From Florida

WASHINGTON, March 31. – The gunboat Bienville arrived at the Navy Yard wharf this morning, having left San Augustine on the 28th.

She brings the bodies of Capt. Budd of the Penguin, and Capt. Mather, who were both killed at Mosquito Inlet.

When the Bienville left, the general impression was that the people of Florida were returning to their loyalty, and the rebel troops had either all left or were making their way to other Southern States.

The only place where any formidable opposition to the Federal troops was made, was at Mosquito Inlet, and that only in small boats.

From the [Penguin] and Henry A. Andrew eight of our men were killed and wounded.  Loss on the rebel side not ascertained.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 5, 1862, p. 4

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