
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

From Winchester

WINCHESTER, March 30. – The following wounded died yesterday and to-day, and were buried:

Michael Martin, 67th Ohio; unknown 29; Wm. Whitney, 13th Indiana; Isaac Jackson, 27th Ohio, died of fever; A. L. Brown, 8th Ohio and one unknown; another unknown – on his clothes were the initials “T. O. W.”  Wallace Calhoun, 7th Ohio; E. K. Bruce, 7th Ohio – his body has been delivered to his friends.

Previous to the forgoing, our losses stood as follows: killed and died of wounds, 103; wounded, 441; missing, 24.

Only a few reports of the detailed regiments, have been yet received, owing to the distant and scattered position of the regiments. – Three or four days will elapse before the full list of names can be received.  The wounded are now contained in two hospitals, and are under the immediate charge of Dr. Bryant, Medical Director of the Division of Gen. Shields.

About 230 sick and wounded prisoners have been sent to Frederick.  Sixty wounded rebel soldiers have been taken from the hospital and placed in the houses of their friends on their parole to report on their recovery to the nearest commanding officer.  Our wounded are reported as generally doing well.  They number about three hundred.

The statement in the newspapers that Major Perkins on the staff of Maj. Gen. Banks was instrumental in planning the battle, is contradicted, although his presence and advice were of great service to Col. Kimball who commands in the field under directions from Gen. Shields. – Medical Director King of the Medical Corps, and surgeon Jackson of the 29th Penn, who were present as volunteers rendered effective and in clearing the field of wounded.  Gustave Arnherm of the Zouaves acted as aid to col. Baum, chief of Shields’ artillery and was seriously wounded in the leg.

The following is a complete list of the casualties in the 5th Ohio: Killed – Privates Pleasant Brown, J. W. Richaus, Chas. Gill, Wm. H. Hagart, Henry Hall, Martin Holley, Henry Schpfer, Peter Hoper, Wm. B. Majors.  Corporals Chas. Talbot, J. B. Shannon, Samuel B. Isdell.  Captain Joel Whitcom.  Sergeant David Johnson.

WINCHESTER, March 31. – The report that the wounded in the late battle near Winchester were neglected, is unfounded.  Surgeon Keney medical inspector, U. S. A., reports that they are well quartered and well treated by the surgeons of the Division, and generally doing well.  Gen. Shields has so far recovered as to be able to start for Strasburgh to-morrow.  Some firing was heard by the officers in Strasburgh yesterday, apparently in the direction of Jackson’s rendezvous.  The cause is not yet known.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 5, 1862, p. 4

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