
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Particulars of the Surrender at Island No. 10

CAIRO, April 8, 8 p.m. – I have been able to gather a few more particulars from Island No. 10.  Four hundred and seventy-eight prisoners, including seventeen officers, seventy pieces of artillery, a large amount of ammunition, muskets and small arms, were captured on the Island.  It is said our mortar shells proved very destructive; wherever they struck and exploded, great execution was made in the earth.

It is reported that the Confederates had become perfectly demoralized; in many cases entire regiments would refuse to obey orders. – Much ill feeling prevailed among the officers and none, including the soldiers, had any confidence in their commanding officer.

No farther information has been obtained in reference to the number of prisoners captured on the Tennessee shore, and it will be impossible to get anything further before morning.

Much excitement prevails here over the news of the battle at Pittsburgh.  It is regarded as most fortunate that Gen. Buell came up as he did, with one Division to reinforce Gen. Grant.  It evidently was the expectation of Beauregard to fight the battle before Gen. Buell could form a junction with Gen. Grant.

We hope to get further particulars to-morrow.

At one o’clock, last night a boat came to the flag-ship with a messenger carrying a letter from the commanding officer at Island No. 10 to Flag Officer Foote, proposing capitulation for the surrender of the Island.  Flag Officer Foot replied that he would accept no other terms than an unconditional surrender.  At one o’clock this morning the enemy surrendered unconditionally to Com. Foote.  Several transports and it is supposed one or two gunboats, the celebrated floating battery, cannon, ammunition and stores have thus fallen into our hands.  Too much praise cannot be awarded to the Flag Officer and the gallant officers under his command for this brilliant achievement in capturing the Gibraltar of the Mississippi river, without the loss of a single life.  We have no information at this time as to details, but it is supposed that most of the rebel troops on the Tennessee shore have effected their escape.  It is supposed they commenced leaving soon after the Carondolet succeeded in turning their batteries, as that destroyed all hope of their maintaining their position.  Fleet Captain Hennock, who has achieved wonders in fitting out and repairing gunboats and transports, and furnishing supplies to the fleet, ahs reason to believe that our mortars did terrible execution among the rebels.  It is reported that Gen. Pope had 18,000 troops across the river from New Madrid last night, ready to march and bag the enemy but is believe that he was too late.

Boats commenced running to New Madrid to-day.  The river has fallen four feet within the last two days, greatly facilitating the operations of Gen. Pope opposite New Madrid.

Hon. Jesse Dubois is here en route for the Upper Tennessee.

Hon. Emerson Etheridge has telegraphed to three hundred citizens of Bourbon county, Tennessee, driven out by the rebel troops, to come down and return with him.  They will probably leave to-morrow.

Reliable reports from Jeff. Thompson a week ago place him in the swamps, some eighty miles from here, with a few hundred marauders.  Several men who have heretofore been in his army from the vicinity of Charleston, eight miles from here, in Missouri, have petitioned Gen. Strong for privilege to take the oath and return to their allegiance.  The General authorized the County Clerk, a good Union man, to take and administer the oath.

Dr. Simpson, of the Medical Department leaves this evening for the Tennessee with two large hospital boats most completely fitted out under direction of J. E. Yeatman, Esq., of the St. Louis Sanitary Commission.  They contain 800 beds for the wounded.  The hospitals here have accommodations for 1,400.

Dispatches from New Madrid have been received.  The gunboats Carondelet and Pittsburg, yesterday morning shelled and silenced the batteries on the opposite shore, when Gen. Pope ordered the troops across.  It was effected without loss.

The rebels fled towards Lisbon sinking several of their transports, among others the Grampus.

The floating battery of the rebels, mounting ten guns, drifted down last night, and is aground near Point Pleasant.  It will be recovered with its armament.

The Belle West covered Gen. Paine in the advance on the batteries.

Gen. Pope at once took the Pittsburg and Carondelet, and with a part of his army, turned to and attacked the enemy this morning, and took 2,000 prisoners, mostly from Arkansas and Louisiana.  He will probably get as many more before night.

The rebels fled to the swamps in great consternation.

The victory is complete and decisive.  Great quantities of stores, cannon, and ammunition have fallen into our hands.  All their baggage and supplies are taken.

Gen. McCall, of the rebel Adjutant General’s department, is a prisoner.

The country between New Madrid and Island No. 10, on the east side of the river, is being scoured by our troops.  Many prisoners will doubtless be taken there.

Gen. Bissell, with his transports, is ordered down to Tipton by Gen. Pope, which is twelve miles below New Madrid, to bring cannon and other property up to New Madrid.

Divisions of our army are pursuing the fleeing rebels in all directions.  Their entire force at and about Island No. 10, is either taken prisoners or utterly routed and demoralized.

Hon. Emerson Etheridge has just arrived from Paducah.  To him the news of our success is especially gratifying.  His residence is thirty-five miles south of Hickman.  Gen. Strong will send an escort with him to his home to insure his safety.  Thousands of his former friends will great his arrival with a glorious welcome.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862, p. 3

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