
Saturday, January 19, 2013

The center of our army across the Potomac . . .

. . . is now at Warrenton, and is pushing the enemy gradually backward.  The rebel army is now beyond the Rappahannock at that point, having resisted our advance only by occasional skirmishing, to cover their retreat.  The right wing, General Banks’ division, is at Strasburg, and Jackson’s force is supposed to be at Woodstock.  Our left wing, some 80,000 strong, which went down the Potomac, is supposed to be in the vicinity of fortress Monroe, and is likely soon to be heard from.  Watching for the iron plated battery Virginia is now the matter of absorbing interest at the Fortress.  It is understood that, in addition to the smart little Ericsson Monitor, other and novel means of assault on the rebel monster have been prepared, upon which great reliance is placed.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862, p. 1

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