
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The War in North Missouri

QUINCY, Ill., April 8. – Col. Glover has at least commenced meting out justice to the North Missouri rebels.  We learn from reliable authority that a man named Jones, whom he arrested last summer in Monroe county, and released upon his taking the oath was again arrested by him about two weeks since in violation of his parole.  He was brought to Shelbyville, and last Thursday was shot by the Colonel’s order.

A portion of Capt. Benjamin’s company, attached to Col. Glover’s regiment, while out on a scout near Walkersville, Shelby county, were fired upon by a party of bushwhackers concealed in a thicket, killing two soldiers and a citizen of that county who happened to be riding with them.  They returned the fire and charged upon the seceshers, who skedaddled, leaving three of their number dead upon the ground.  They did not take any prisoners, that game being about played out, rebel oaths thus far having proved poor property.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862, p. 3

1 comment:

  1. Many bushwhackers carried their oath of allegiance on their person. It made day to day life easier, but it meant they'd get shot if they got caught with it while doing something in support of the Confederacy. The OR has lots of references to rebels being searched after a firefight and having oaths with them, even though the bottom line said that violation of the oath was punishable by death.
