
Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Reconnoissance by Gen. Sickles

WASHINGTON, April 14. – The Times’ correspondent telegraphs to-night from Budd’s Ferry as follows:

Hooker’s Division, Thursday, April 3.

A corps of picked men belonging to the Excelsior Brigade left Liverpool Point under command of Gen. Sickles, early on Tuesday morning for Stafford Court House, on a reconnoissance; the troops landed at the Shipping Point Batteries and marched from thence past Dumfrees through Acqua [sic] to Stafford, C. H.  There was skirmishing between a body of 600 rebel cavalry and the advance corps of Sickles’ command, six miles this side of Stafford, and firing on both sides was continued until we reached that place.  The rebels in their retreat set fire to the town and all the stores.  Our forces promptly stopped the conflagration.  A lot of provisions, horses, stores, &c., fell into our hands.  From Brooke station a force of 1,200 rebel infantry and a battery of 6 field pieces were moving up to support the cavalry.  After remaining in Stafford C. H. for three hours, camp fires were built on the hill to deceive the rebels while our force withdrew from the place.  Gen. Sickles with part of his corps arrived back at Shipping Point this morning; the rest came to Budd’s Ferry opposite Liverpool Point.  Our casualties were two wounded and a few missing.  The corps marched forty-eight miles in seventeen hours over the worst mountain roads.  At Fredericksburg there are few troops, they are falling back to Richmond.  The citizens state that the Confederate Government intend abandoning Virginia.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862, p. 4

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