
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Accepts The Invitation

The other evening a humorous member of the New York Legislature wrote a note to a sensitive member from an extreme Western county, saying that a lady in the gallery had been attracted by the fine appearance of said member, and would like to meet him.  If the desire was mutual, the “lady” wished the gentleman from C_____ to hold a newspaper in each hand, so that she could see the signal.  The note having been dispatched to the member, the wicked author posted all those around him, and soon half the Chamber awaited the developments.  The unfortunate legislator read the note, cast a sentimental glance at the ladies’ gallery, and seized two Tribunes, and held them aloft with all due energy.  A loud laugh from those around him followed, but this will be about the first notice he has received of the rather practical sell. – He is yet looking for “that woman.”

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862, p. 4

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